Welcome SPRC Members!

Thank you for renewing or becoming a member of the Society for Perioperative Research and Care.

Perioperative Care Congress (Hybrid)
TBD. 2024


Perioperative Care Congress

You can consult below the highlights from past congress held by the Society.

Details on the 2024 Perioperative Care Congress will be coming soon!

Perioperative Care Journal Club

We are very excited to inform you about the establishment of the monthly Perioperative Care Journal Club (PCJC).


The next meeting of the Perioperative Care Journal Club will take place soon!  Stay tuned for more details.


Periop Clinical Case Rounds

Please join us on Tuesdays from 12:00 to 1:00 pm ET as perioperative fellows and trainees present live clinical case rounds via Zoom. UPDATE: Rounds will resume on Tues., September 7, 2021.

Open to perioperative colleagues from across Canada (medicine, surgery, nursing).  Moderated by Dr. Vikas Tandon, Associate Professor, Perioperative Fellowship Program, McMaster University.

Periop Clinical Case Round

Contact us to join the weekly rounds.

Recordings of Perioperative Clinical Case Rounds

Did you miss being able to attend the live perioperative clinical case rounds? We have numerous recordings available from 2020. All sessions moderated by Dr. Vikas Tandon, Associate Professor and Director, Perioperative Fellowship Program, McMaster University.

NEW!! - UBC Perioperative Rounds

The Society is very pleased to present the recordings of the University of British Columbia's Perioperative Rounds. These rounds are presented every month.

LAAOS III Trial Results and Panel Discussion

We were very excited about the recent Special Event held on Thurs., May 20 at 7:00 pm Eastern TimeDr. Richard Whitlock , the Principal Investigator of the Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion during Cardiac Surgery to Prevent Stroke LAAOS III Trial presented the results.  A panel discussion with Dr. PJ Devereaux (McMaster University), Dr. Jean-François Légaré (New Brunwick Health Centre), Dr. Daniel Sessler (Cleveland Clinic) and Dr. Steve Shadowitz (Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre) moderated by Dr. Ameen Patel (McMaster University) followed the presentation.

HIP ATTACK 1 Panel Discussion

SPRC was very pleased to present the HIP ATTACK 1 panel discussion on Wed., Jan. 13, 2021.  Panelists included:

Flavia Kessler Borges (McMaster University)
Michael McGillion (McMaster University)
Gerard Slobogean (University of Maryland School of Medicine)
Wojciech Szczeklik (Jagiellonian University)
Kelly Zarnke (University of Calgary)

Moderated by PJ Devereaux (McMaster University)


The VISION NT-proBNP risk calculator

The VISION NT-proBNP risk calculator can be used clinically to estimate patient’s risk of postoperative major cardiac complications and death at 30 days after inpatient noncardiac surgery. The calculator combines the Revised Cardiac Risk Index (RCRI) risk factors and preoperative NT-proBNP values to provide risk estimates. The calculator was derived from a cohort of 10,402 adults, 45 years or older, undergoing in-hospital noncardiac surgery in 16 hospitals from 9 countries. It is the largest single prospective cohort study to assess preoperative NT-proBNP for cardiac risk stratification in noncardiac surgery. Original publication: Duceppe et al. Ann Int Med. 2020 Jan 21;172(2):96-104.  doi: 10.7326/M19-2501.

Please find below a link to the VISION NT-proBNP risk calculator in QxMed Calculate.


Below are articles in perioperative care that may be of interest:

Meta-analysis on CRP and anastomotic leak in colorectal surgery